'An exciting place to learn, an exciting place to be.'

Governing Body

Chair of Governors Welcome

Welcome to Vernon Park Primary School.  We pride ourselves on being a caring school which helps all its children to succeed in an inclusive and supportive environment.  

School is about children achieving their potential in the more formal subjects such as maths, English and reading but also in the wider sense with regards to science, music, the arts and learning life skills.  It is about enjoying learning and working with others, both children and the adults who support us.  We strive to deliver an exciting and innovative curriculum which develops the whole child, using a range of learning activities and life experiences so that every child can achieve. 

As a child, I went to both Primary School and Comprehensive School in Stockport and benefited from learning from teachers who not only enthused pupils to learn but also encouraged them to be forever curious and to be lifelong learners.  Those ideas underpin everything about Vernon Park Primary School.

Vernon Park Primary is a trailblazer in being the first school in Stockport to create a Governing Body Wellbeing Committee, with a parallel Staff Wellbeing Committee.  This is because the wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff is paramount to everyone associated with this splendid school.

The Governing Body, Head Teacher, Senior Leadership team and all teachers and staff at Vernon Park Primary School are passionate about and committed to ensuring that each child has fun, learns and achieves their best.

Stephen Campbell

Together with the Head Teacher Governors set the future direction for the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent.  Governing Bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies, school’s development plan and respond to Ofsted inspection recommendations.  Governors monitor the impact of policies and oversee the use of the school’s budget.  Governors provide the Head Teacher with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience.  They ask searching questions and respect the Head Teacher’s position as professional leader of the school.

At Vernon Park Primary the Head Teacher and Governing Body work in close partnership in sharing the responsibility for the strategies of running the school.  The Governing Body consists of a Local Authority Representative Governor, Co-opted Governors, Parent Governors, a Staff Governor and an Associate Member.  Each Governor is either selected or appointed and has a term of office of 4 years.  There are elected positions within the Governing Body eg Chair Person of the Whole Governing Body, Chair Person of a Committee.

The Whole Governing Body meet on at least a termly basis as do the Committees.  At Vernon Park Primary we have the following Committees:

  • Resources Committee – This Committee provides guidance and assistance to the Head Teacher and Governing Body on all matters relating to the budget, finance and staffing.  It is the Committee’s role to review various policies and procedures including the Whole School Pay Policy, Staffing Structure and Equal Pay Opportunities.  The Committee approves the budget plan and monitors spending.  The Committee also looks at staffing and agrees the focus and placement of staff in line with the School’s development focus.  The group is responsible for ensuring that the school and premises comply with Local Authority Guidelines by taking reasonable steps to ensure that the building, resources, equipment and materials are safe for everyone to use.
  • Monitoring Teaching and Learning Committee – This Committee is responsible for making sure all aspects of the National Curriculum are followed and that targets are set and met.  This Committee provides information to the Governing Body about how the Curriculum is taught and evaluated.  The group is responsible for monitoring pupil progress, ensuring the curriculum is broad, balanced, inclusive and that policies are reviewed whenever appropriate.
  • Wellbeing Committee – This Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Wellbeing of Pupils, Staff, Parents and Carers is a high priority.  The group is responsible for monitoring Wellbeing initiatives and strategies and has close links with the Staff Wellbeing Committee.
    The Governing Body of Vernon Park Primary is focused on the continuous development and improvement of the school.  We are all part of a Voluntary workforce that is dedicated in helping the school to provide the best possible education for all the children and support for all our stakeholders

Our Governing Body is represented by the following catergories:

Local Authority Representative Governor:

Mrs Elaine Murphy

Term of Office: 19/07/2023 - 18/07/2027


Co-opted Governors:

Mr Peter Bennett - Vice Chair of Governors / Chair of Resources / Development Governor

Term of Office: 17/07/2023 - 16/07/2027

Mrs Kellie Calhoun 

Term of Office: 14/10/2024 - 13/10/2028

Professor Stephen Campbell - Chair of Governors / Chair of Monitoring Teaching & Learning

Term of Office: 31/12/2023 - 30/12/2027

Mrs Gillian Sant

Term of Office: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2028

Parent Governors:

Miss Charlotte Kennedy

Term of Office: 12/02/2023 - 11/02/2027

Mrs Holly Le

Term of Office: 26/07/2024 - 25/07/2028

Mrs Catherine Mitchell-Browne - Chair of Wellbeing

Term of Office: 21/04/2021 - 20/04/2025

Staff Representative Governor:

Miss Elizabeth Green

Term of Office: 17/07/2023 - 16/07/2027


Associate Member:

Mrs Tracey Morrison

Term of Office: 12/07/2023 - 12/07/2027


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About Us

At Vernon Park Primary School, we aim to provide all children, parents, carers and the wider school community with a safe, caring and inclusive environment where high quality learning experiences enable all children to be the best that they can be.

Contact Us

Vernon Park Primary School Peak Street, Stockport SK1 2NF
Mrs Claire E Lee | Head Teacher 0161 480 4378